Resolving Umami Blocked by AdBlock Issue

I recently redesigned my personal homepage and used Umami for website analytics. However, there is an ongoing issue: users who have AdBlock installed are causing the analytics to fail.

For more information on how AdBlock works, you can refer to Resolving Vercel Analytics Blocked by AdBlock Issue. The rule that blocks Umami is ||^$3p, which blocks the script and data reporting URLs. To overcome this, we can use Cloudflare Workers to proxy Umami.



Create a Cloudflare Worker and paste the following JavaScript code. If you are using the official Umami service, you don’t need to modify the code (remember to change UMAMI_HOST to your service URL). If you are using a self-hosted service, you can define the script and data reporting URLs using the TRACKER_SCRIPT_NAME and COLLECT_API_ENDPOINT environment variables, without the need for proxying.

const UMAMI_HOST = ''

export default {
  async fetch(request, env, ctx) {
    const { pathname, search } = new URL(request.url)
    if (pathname.endsWith('.js')) {
      let response = await caches.default.match(request)
      if (!response) {
          response = await fetch(`${UMAMI_HOST}/script.js`, request)
          ctx.waitUntil(caches.default.put(request, response.clone()))
      return response
    const req = new Request(request)
    req.headers.append('x-client-ip', req.headers.get('cf-connecting-ip'))
    return fetch(`${UMAMI_HOST}${pathname}${search}`, req)

Once you have created the Worker, configure the domain and test if the script URL can be accessed correctly. In my case, it is You can replace “mt-demo” with any disguised URL, as the script has already been adapted.

Next, inject the script into your website project. You can refer to the official documentation at or use the following code as a reference:

<script defer src="" data-host-url="" data-website-id="0a10de75-03be-4fec-a521-4c62b91650ac"></script>

In the above code, src refers to the script URL, data-host-url refers to the data reporting URL, and data-website-id refers to the website ID. Make sure to provide the correct website ID to ensure data reporting.

You can verify the implementation on Noodle Lab or this website.

Ψ Eric Psy

© 2025 Aria

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